Media Room
Spanish government plans to allocate 67 million Euros for sustainable mobility
The Spanish Government has considered a budget of 67 million Euros for sustainable mobility (400,000 Euros more than the previous year) in the draft of the General State Budgets (PGE) for the 2019 financial year. With this increased budget, the government foresees that 4,500 alternative fuel vehicles can benefit from this grant, 100 more than in the 2018 PGE.
This aid, aimed at the purchase of vehicles powered by alternative energies, including Autogas, CNG/LNG and electric vehicles, is shared between the General Direction of Industry and SMEs, dependent of the Ministry of Industry, which will have 17 million Euros, and the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), which has been allocated 50 million Euros.
The Ministry of Industry will allocate 8.94 million Euros to private companies; 6.8 million to non-profit institutions; 1.1 million to local entities; 80,000 to autonomous communities; and another 80,000 to companies, public business entities, foundations and other public sector entities. On the other hand, IDEA’s budget to be allocated on efficient and sustainable energy mobility is the same as the one awarded in the previous year.
Moreover, 2019 PGE project includes the rise of special taxes on diesel, which will increase the price of the litre of diesel by 3.8 cents.
Regarding this increase, the government said they will increase the tax rates applicable to vehicle fuels “whose consumption is more widespread and that cause the greatest emissions of polluting gases that affect the air quality of the cities, in line with the recommendations made by various international organisations to Spain in order to adopt effective national measures.” If you want to know more, please visit this link.
13 February 2019