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Spain: Repsol’s Autogas conversion campaign receives 2,000 applications
The campaign launched last year by Repsol, in collaboration with the Ircongas, Gaspointcenter and Gasmoción workshops, to convert gasoline-powered vehicles to Autogas has received nearly 2,000 applications so far.
“In total, there were 1,933 individuals and professionals who showed interest in incentive of up to 150 euros to transform gasoline vehicles into LPG, a fuel that the General Directorate of Traffic considers ECO,” according to Repsol.
In recent years, the demand has not stopped growing. In fact, according to the European Association of Automobile Manufacturers (Acea), the Spanish fleet of Autogas vehicles went from 0.2% to 0.3% between 2020 and 2021. In the last year, Spain had a total fleet of 25.34 million vehicles, of which more than 150,000 were LPG-powered.
Likewise, according to data from the Association of Vehicle Transformations (Astrave), it is estimated that the conversions of gasoline vehicles during 2022 have reached figures between 3,500 and 4,000 units, which represents an increase of 37% compared to 2021.
Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Malaga, Seville and Alicante are some of the cities where Ircongas, Gaspointcenter and Gasmoción have noticed an increase in requests. In these cities, the circulation restriction protocols are active, measures that do not affect Autogas vehicles (labelled as ECO). Of these, Madrid has turned out to be the city with the greatest demand for LPG installations, receiving a total of 963 requests since October 2022.
“The possibility of generating savings thanks to this fuel and the financing modalities of the conversion plan have been two of the keys to this promotional campaign, in addition to one of the great changes for the circulation of vehicles in cities of more than 50,000 inhabitants: the Low Emission Zones. These zones, which restrict access to the most polluting vehicles, came into effect on 1 January, affecting more than 13 million vehicles in Spain, according to data from the MSI consultancy,” Repsol’s sources added.
Source: Interempresas
15 March 2023