Media Room
Indian Autogas industry urges government to include LPG in gas projects
Ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi initiating the 10th city gas licensing round, Indian LPG suppliers has urged the government to give them a level-playing field as “LPG is as effective as other alternative fuels.”
“Autogas is much more feasible and low hanging fruit, and can impact air quality almost immediately. It needs to be part of the next bid round,” said Indian Auto LPG Coalition General Director Suyash Gupta.
Gupta also said that, compared to other alternative fuels, setting up an LPG station takes just two months and the time Autogas takes to fill a vehicle is equal to time taken to fill petrol and diesel vehicles.
“The government needs to incentivise vehicle owners who convert to LPG and CNG. Incentives such as subsidising conversion costs and permit-free usage can prompt a number of users to shift to cleaner fuels,” he added.
India has 1,200 Autogas refuelling stations and these can increase if the government allows city gas operators a choice of CNG and LPG dispensers. LPG can reduce vehicle pollution and the fuel can be transported easily as it does not require pipelines and other infrastructure. Moreover, an Autogas station can be set up within existing petrol stations. If you want to know more, please visit this link.
5 December 2018