Media Room
Colombian Government will legalise use of Autogas
The Government will issue a regulatory decree and two resolutions that will give free access to the use of LPG, both in private and public service vehicles. The rules, whose contents are in their last revision by the officials of the Legal Secretariat of the House of Nariño, not only open the door to the use of this fuel, but also dictate the guidelines for its adoption at the vehicle level.
According to the draft decrees and resolutions, the regulations establish the Autogas roadmap, but also set the rules of the game for the assembly of refuelling stations and their operation, as well as the requirements and procedures for the conversion of vehicles, including workshops.
“LPG is not only a clean and environmentally friendly fuel, but it is also efficient and effective because of its costs and calorific level, which gives the vehicle the same strength as if it used a traditional fuel,” said Alejandro Martínez, president of the Colombian LPG Association (Gasnova).
“The fuel efficiency and the power it offers to the vehicle are also arguments in favour of LPG. The fuel storage tanks located in the trunks of the cars are small, so they do not require a large space for installation, an important condition especially in public service vehicles,” Martínez commented.
The first rule to be issued by the Government is a decree that outlines the guidelines for the use of LPG as a vehicle fuel, and defines the characteristics and obligations of the service stations that will provide the fuel. Likewise, it highlights the duties of the workshops where the conversion of the cars will take place, and dictates the course for the issuance of the respective technical regulations.
“The competent ministries to regulate the different activities related to LPG as a motor fuel will issue the respective technical regulations and determine the mandatory requirements that must be met in each one of them,” underlines the draft decree.
For more information, please visit this link.
18 December 2019