Autogas is the number one alternative fuel in the world, counting 27 million vehicles and 78,000 fueling stations and thus plays an important role as a “bridging fuel” to mitigate climate change and air quality while sales of zero-emission vehicles ramp up.

Converting existing vehicles to Autogas is affordable for the consumer, and a cost-effective solution to accelerate road transport emissions reduction efforts from today’s car park.

This Global Roadmap for Autogas clearly shows that the cumulative emissions reductions under the projected growth scenario to 2040 would equal environmental and societal benefits of over $54 billion.

In the longer term, Autogas derived from bioLPG could play a major role. In fact, a significant part of the increase in Autogas demand could be met with bioLPG, depending on technology and investment.


of tripling the number of Autogas vehicles by 2040

4% reduction

in NOx emissions

US$54 billion

in social welfare gains, including savings on health costs and improved productivity

5% Reduction

in global PM2.5 emissions

130 Mt reduction

in CO2 emissions cumulative total on a well-to-wheels (WTW) basis from 2018-2040