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United Kingdom: New Autogas bi-fuel system available for Birmingham taxi drivers
SBL Automotive, an engine research and development consultancy, has announced that the Autogas bi-fuel evolution of the LEVC TX is now available for vehicles licensed by Birmingham City Council. This milestone will help reduce emissions and operating costs for taxi drivers in the city.
The new system enables the vehicles manufactured by London EV Company (LEVC), to run on either LPG/renewable Liquid Gas or CNG/biomethane, instead of traditional petrol.
According to the company, this development offers notable environmental benefits, with a 10% reduction in net CO2 emissions when using LPG and a 99% reduction when using its renewable version. SBL Automotive also noted operators can expect a 20% or more decrease in operating costs.
The initiative extends the fossil fuel-powered range extender engine of the TX and VN5 to use LPG and renewable Liquid Gas. These fuels serve as drop-in replacements, requiring no further modifications to the vehicle.
The bi-fuel system utilises Prins Alternative Fuel Systems VSI-3 hardware, including fuel tanks, bi-fuel ECU, gaseous fuel injectors, and specific regulators and vaporisers, all compliant with relevant safety standards.
The system’s design enhances the vehicle’s operating range significantly—by approximately 90% for LPG/renewable Liquid Gas and 70% for CNG/biomethane, thanks to the retention of the original petrol tank.
“With SBL Automotive’s bi-fuel evolution of the LEVC TX, operators can use a net zero carbon emission and renewable fuel of biopropane in place of petrol. Net zero carbon emissions and 20% lower operating costs!” claimed SBL Automotive on its social media.
Source: Taxi Point
Photo: SBL Automotive
12 August 2024