Repsol teams up with AVL and Delphi to develop Autogas vehicle prototype

Repsol scientists and researchers have combined their knowledge and technology with AVL and Delphi, leading European engineering companies, to develop a prototype of an Autogas vehicle. This initiative is making possible, for the first time, direct injection in the liquid phase of LPG.

To develop the Autogas Liquid Direct Injection, Repsol’s Technology Centre team started from two essential premises. On the one hand, LPG has the possibility of acquiring the same properties and functions of conventional gasoline when it is at room temperature and at a pressure 10 times higher than atmospheric pressure. And on the other hand, its injection into the vehicle tank is also very similar to that of traditional fuels.

Autogas has become the letter of presentation of the Repsol, as it is the most used alternative fuel in the world. A total of 26 million vehicles circulate all over the world with LPG, 15 million do it in Europe and nearly 70,000 units are already part of Spain’s fleet.

The VEA Plan (a national strategy to promote alternative fuel vehicles) foresees that it will increase fivefold in the next years reaching 250,000 vehicles in 2020.

Autogas does not produce particles, complies with emission limits for 2020 and, above all, reduces CO2 emissions by 15%, compared to gasoline powered vehicles. Its use also reduces NOx emissions by 70% and noise pollution by 50%.

Moreover, Autogas vehicles have the ECO label granted by the Spanish General Director of Transport (DGT), which allows them to circulate without restrictions during traffic regulations due to high pollution levels. If you want to know more, please check this link.

30 January 2019