Media Room
Malta government launches LPG conversion scheme
As announced in the Budget 2016 speech, the Ministry for Transport and Infrastructure, in conjunction with Transport Malta, is launching another scheme to incentivise vehicle owners to switch to Autogas propulsion.
This is another environment friendly budget measure aimed at reducing the amount of emissions generated from road traffic. Subject to various conditions, the grant amounts to €200 which will be given upon the conversion to Autogas of a Category M1 vehicle, (a passenger vehicle with a seating capacity of up to eight passengers and the driver) or a Category N1 vehicle, (a vehicle designed and constructed for the carriage of goods and having a maximum mass not exceeding 3.5 tonnes).
The scheme comes into effect as from January 1st 2016 and closes on December 31st 2016 or earlier if the maximum of applications has been reached. Submissions are processed on a first come first serve basis. Persons who have converted their vehicle to Autogas in 2015 may still apply for the scheme.
For further application details, please check here.