Media Room
Colombian LPG industry is optimistic about Autogas development
2021 will be remembered as the year when Autogas started was included in the Colombian energy basket. President Iván Duque highlighted the role of Autogas as a clean fuel for the energy transition. Now, the challenge is to promote its widespread adoption, a task that requires the support of the National Government, according to Gasnova, the Colombian LPG Association.
One of the most accurate strategies is the formation of a refuelling network that reaches the entire country, with LPG stations in cities such as Medellín, Bogotá, Cali, Pereira, Bucaramanga and Cúcuta, and take advantage of the 5,700 service stations in Colombia.
The low investment required to set up an Autogas is one of the aspects that makes this fuel interesting. Companies like Terpel have made progress in this regard, with the opening of four service stations in Barranquilla, two in the department of Nariño and one in Cartagena.
Another decisive factor to encourage adoption of Autogas is explaining drivers how long it will take for them to recover the investment they made by converting their vehicles to this clean fuel. It is also important to promote the use of factory-fitted LPG vehicles, through incentives such as exemption from the peak and plate, reduction in the payment of taxes, among other benefits.
Finally, the prompt issuance by the Government of the resolution that standardises the specifications of Autogas is required, to guarantee the use of a fuel with high quality standards.
According to the president of Gasnova Alejandro Martínez Villegas, the Minister of Mines and Energy, Diego Mesa, is clearly committed to the widespread use of LPG in the mobility sector. For this reason, the industry is highly optimistic about the development of Autogas in Colombia. For more information, please check this link.
25 May 2022