Media Room
Colombian industry promotes Autogas benefits to improve air quality
The Colombian Association of LP Gas Marketers (Agremgas) has organised the country’s First LPG Technical Forum, a space to analyse the expectations of the Autogas industry in Colombia, the new technologies and the fuel contribution to the improvement of the environmental situation in the region.
Bogotá is one of the country’s most polluted cities. The annual average of particles (mostly generated by heavy transport) is much higher than the limit set by the World Health Organisation. In this regard, Felipe Gómez, Executive Director of Agremgas, considers that this pioneering event will allow Colombia to know the advantages of a clean, efficient and environmentally-friendly fuel that will help improve air quality in cities.
Countries of America, Europe and Asia have understood the need to make the transition towards cleaner fuels. “Currently, 27 million Autogas vehicles operate in the world. Autogas is up to 30% cheaper than gasoline, and it can be used in all types of vehicles, from passenger cars to trucks and buses,” added Gómez.
While the global consumption of LPG has grown around 40% in the last 10 years, being Autogas the most popular alternative fuel in the world, this “represents a great opportunity for its implementation in Colombia,” according to Gómez.
The Forum was attended by representatives of unions, LPG equipment manufacturers, cargo and passenger transport companies, service station operators, entities in charge of the regulatory system and legal advisers specialising in energy and gas. For more information, please visit this link.
13 March 2019