Media Room
Autogas market gains momentum in Zimbabwe
Zimbabwean Maswera Energies has partnered with the Italian firm Agis Andrea Mangaliardo to develop LPG technology in the African country. Earlier this year, Maswera became Zimbabwe’s first commercially licenced Autogas company.
“We are converting existing motor vehicles to be able to drive on LPG, which is a cleaner fuel,” explained Maswera CEO Francis-Xavier Chitanda. “At the moment, we are going through a training course by Polish engineers that the Italian company sent.”
With the help of the Poland installer Autogas ALEX, Maswera has already converted a Shackman truck and a Volvo truck, both with diesel engines, and are in the process of converting an executive Volvo SC60.
The executive also commented that they expect to build more service stations. “At the moment we have Zimbabwe’s first Autogas station right here at our premises,” he said. “We are pushing the project, and soon we will be setting up stations in different towns and provinces.”
Under Zimbabwe’s Low Emissions Development Strategy, greenhouse gas mitigation measures identified include low-carbon transport with mitigation primarily contributed through a combination of fuel savings and the use of alternative fuel vehicles.
Source: The Standard
6 December 2023