Australian taxis become even “greener” with Autogas

Taxi operators throughout the Australian State of Victoria are embracing new technologies with the Toyota Camry Hybrid operating with Autogas to meet their challenging business needs and provide the best environmental outcome for the community.

“The formula of a highly reliable LPG Autogas system, with very low operating and maintenance costs was mandatory, coupled with a well supported locally manufactured vehicle such as the Toyota Camry Hybrid was paramount” Greg Hardeman of Black Cabs said;  As a result the Sprint Gas SVI system is being readily installed and accepted by many taxi fleet owner operators.

Pictured, left to right are Andrew Lees of Sprintgas, Greg Hardeman of Black Cabs  & Warring Neilsen Elgas/Unigas at the recent VTA conference held in Melbourne with 13 CABS displaying the Toyota Camry Hybrid on Autogas.

“Space and vehicle operation with this installation has ensured the continued comfort for our passengers. The system is safe and still maintains the best part of the space integrity of the boot with all the credentials that Autogas currently offers. It’s commercially viable, out performs all fuels with the added benefit of reducing CO2 emissions being better for our environment. From a small investment we are seeing in most cases break even return inside 12 months which is fantastic for our operators” Greg said.

LPG or commonly known as Autogas is available in over 3,400 outlets throughout the nation Warring Neilsen from Elgas/Unigas said; “we need to ensure we use our own locally produced LPG which we export as well. All Australian motorist and vehicle manufactures should embrace Autogas due to its many qualities that tick all the boxes as a premium octane, cost effective and CO2 reducing fuel. It’s great to see the Taxi operators leading the charge in this space to exemplify that this industry takes the current technology shift serious for the benefits of their millions of clientele”.

For more information relating to the system technology visit

For Autogas  availability of outlets go to