Atlantic Canada’s largest Autogas fleet began operations in Halifax

SOUTHLAND Transportation, a provider of sustainable transport solutions, recently began bringing Halifax, Nova Scotia, students to school on 144 LPG-powered buses. This is the largest Autogas fleet in Atlantic Canada. Putting these low-emission buses into service means a total reduction of 624.22 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent combined per year compared to diesel-fuelled buses.

“We are seeing an upward trend in schools and government switching to Autogas buses across the country, the latest in the Halifax Regional Municipality,” said Nathalie St.-Pierre, president and CEO of the Canadian Propane Association. “The reason for this growth is clear: LPG buses are significantly healthier for our young people and the environment. They are cleaner, quieter and they are made for Canadian winters, starting in -50 below weather. Add to that the economic advantages – such as fuel savings and lower maintenance costs – low-emission propane checks all the boxes.”

While SOUTHLAND Transportation is new to Halifax it is not new to Autogas. They have been utilising this alternative fuel since the 1980s and currently own and operate the largest LPG-fuelled fleet of school buses in Canada, with over 850 vehicles currently in operation.

“What better motivator to engage clean and sustainable transportation practices than the very children who will inherit the future? Each day, our fleet of school buses safely transports close to 100,000 students, which provides us with a constant reminder of what truly matters and what to keep at the forefront of our day-to-day operations,” commented Murray Glass, Pacific Western Transportation’s Vice President of Student Transportation. “The nature of bus transportation in itself reduces emissions compared to individual vehicles and utilising LPG as an alternative fuel type further reduces our environmental footprint.”

Superior Propane was awarded the contract to supply the Autogas for the buses. For more information, please visit this link.

25 November 2020