What the Autogas industry will do

Meeting the growth in demand envisioned in the Alternative Scenario calls for a major expansion in Autogas supply infrastructure. This will require major additional investments along the supply chain, notably in supply, transportation and distribution facilities, such as rail tank cars and, bulk road tank cars, delivery trucks and storage depots, and in refuelling stations. Capacity at many existing stations will need to be expanded and new refuelling facilities at existing stations installed (or dedicated Autogas outlets built). Safety will remain paramount, requiring extensive training of personnel, clear communication of safe practices and emergency management plans and equipment (WLPGA, 2018).

Commensurate with the requests for support from policymakers, the Autogas industry worldwide is prepared to make a considerable commitment of human and financial resources in order to realise this ambition. The members of the WLPGA have agreed to take the following action to support the vision set out in this roadmap:

  • Reach out to citizens to inform them of the potential of Autogas to keep people on the move while protecting the environment. Research suggests that a key obstacle to the development of alternative fuels is a lack of awareness among citizens. The Autogas industry is committed to addressing this through a renewed effort to communicate with the public. The Autogas industry in a number of countries has already undertaken mass media publicity campaigns to highlight the wide-ranging social, economic and environmental benefits of Autogas, particularly to the end consumer.
  • Strengthen ties with car manufacturers in order to develop engines that are more conducive to the use of Autogas. Most of the leading car companies have developed factory-fitted Autogas versions of their best-selling models, which generally perform at least as well as their gasoline-powered equivalents.
  • Continue to ensure that Autogas supply worldwide matches demand. This will entail stepping up investment in maintaining and expanding the LPG and Autogas supply chain.
  • Continue to develop filling station networks in accordance with projected needs. The coverage of filling stations is sufficient in most countries where an established Autogas market exists, but further investment will be needed in areas and countries where the   network is less dense and where demand is poised to grow strongly.
  • Promote and facilitate the training and certification of Autogas kit installers. There are currently a number of national schemes which aim to guarantee the quality of retrofit of Autogas vehicles (see next page).

“Long-term fuel tax measures – in the form of a low rate of excise duty or its complete exemption – to ensure that the price of Autogas at the pump is well below that of gasoline and diesel is the single most important policy incentive.”